Haining Zhang
Joint Ph.D.Insititute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interest: Big Data, AI.
Sena Mutlu
B.S. Bogazici University
Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interest: Olfactory regulation of energy homeostasis.
Qian Zhao
B.S. China Agricultural University
Ph.D.Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Structure and function of the lysosomal transporters, Proteostasis and ageing, Cross-organelle communication.
Mooncheol Park
B.S. Yonsei University
M.S. Yonsei University
Ph.D. Seoul National University
Research Interest: Aging, Inter-species interaction, Mitochondria physiology, Metabolism.
Mumine Senturk
B.S. Boğaziçi University
Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interest: Neurobiology, Aging, Proteostasis, Genetics, Inter-organelle communication.
Patricia Rohs
BHSc. University of Calgary
Ph.D. Harvard University
Research Interest: Host-microbe interactions, Bacterial cell envelope, Gut epithelial integrity.
Dinghuan Deng
B.S. East China Normal University
Ph.D.Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Research Interest: SRS microscopy, Multimodal microscopy, FLIM, Microscopy Image Processing.
Yue Zhou
B.S. Xiamen University
Ph.D. University of Florida
Research Interest: Metabolism, Cell biology, RNA.
Qinghao Zhang
B.S. Liaoning Normal University
Ph.D. Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University
Research Interest: Aging, Epigenetics.
Xing Ma
B.S. Peking University
Ph.D. University of Kansas Medical Center
Research Interest: Microbiota-host interaction, Aging, Metabolites.
Tao Chen
B.S. Peking University
Sc.D. Peking University
Research Interest:Optical microscopy in biomedical application, Metabolism, Molecular distribution and dynamics in living organism.
Graduate Students
Lang Ding
B.S.Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
M.S. Ocean University of China
Research Interest: Glycosylation, Longevity.
Marzia Savini
B.S. University of Bologna
M.S. University of Bologna
Research Interest: Longevity regulation, Organelle crosstalk, Technology development, Complexity of neuronal circuits, Gut-brain axis.
Shihong Max Gao
B.S. Peking University
Research Interest: Aging, Lysokine signaling, Lipid catabolism, Metabolic sensors.
Yi-Tang Lee
B.S. National Taiwan University
M.S. National Taiwan University
Research Interest: Reproductive aging, Gene environment interaction, Mitochondrial dynamics regulation of reproduction.
Youchen Guan
B.S. Zhejiang University
Research Interest: Lysosomal protein in regulating longevity.
Guo Hu
B.S. China Pharmaceutical University
M.S. University of North Carolina
Research Interest: Lysosome function and signaling, Mitochondria dynamics and function in aging, Microbiome and host interaction, Nutritional genetics
Isaiah Neve Patent Agent at Choate Hall & Stewart
Louis Mak Clinical Genomics Scientist at Baylor Genetics
Yong Yu PI at Xiamen University
Jonathon Duffy Clinical Trials Associate at IQVIA
Feng Jin Senior Scientist II at AbbVie
Sudha Krishnan HR Generalist at Moderna
Prasanna Ramachandran Pediatric Resident at Baylor College of Medicine
Bing Han PI at Children's Hospital Fudan University
Chih-Chun Lin Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell
Jessica Sowa Assistant Professor at West Chester University
Andrew Folick Endocrinology Fellow at UCSF
Holly Doebbler Research Coordinator at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Yusi Fu Faculty at Creighton University
Ahmet Yavuz Data Scientist at Known Medicine
Peiwen Hu Lab Operation Manager at Astellas Pharma Inc
Ravi Medikonda M.D. Student at Johns Hopkins
Timothy Mahoney Director of Special Projects, BCM
Tyler Finamore Ph.D. Student at University of Notre Dame