Haining Zhang
Joint Ph.D.Insititute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interest: Big Data, AI.
Sena Mutlu
B.S. Bogazici University
Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interest: Olfactory regulation of energy homeostasis.
Qian Zhao
B.S. China Agricultural University
Ph.D.Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Structure and function of the lysosomal transporters, Proteostasis and ageing, Cross-organelle communication.
Mooncheol Park
B.S. Yonsei University
M.S. Yonsei University
Ph.D. Seoul National University
Research Interest: Aging, Inter-species interaction, Mitochondria physiology, Metabolism.
Mumine Senturk
B.S. Boğaziçi University
Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interest: Neurobiology, Aging, Proteostasis, Genetics, Inter-organelle communication.
Patricia Rohs
BHSc. University of Calgary
Ph.D. Harvard University
Research Interest: Host-microbe interactions, Bacterial cell envelope, Gut epithelial integrity.
Dinghuan Deng
B.S. East China Normal University
Ph.D.Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Research Interest: SRS microscopy, Multimodal microscopy, FLIM, Microscopy Image Processing.
Yue Zhou
B.S. Xiamen University
Ph.D. University of Florida
Research Interest: Metabolism, Cell biology, RNA.
Qinghao Zhang
B.S. Liaoning Normal University
Ph.D. Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University
Research Interest: Aging, Epigenetics.
Xing Ma
B.S. Peking University
Ph.D. University of Kansas Medical Center
Research Interest: Microbiota-host interaction, Aging, Metabolites.
Tao Chen
B.S. Peking University
Sc.D. Peking University
Research Interest:Optical microscopy in biomedical application, Metabolism, Molecular distribution and dynamics in living organism.
Graduate Students
Lang Ding
B.S.Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
M.S. Ocean University of China
Research Interest: Glycosylation, Longevity.
Marzia Savini
B.S. University of Bologna
M.S. University of Bologna
Research Interest: Longevity regulation, Organelle crosstalk, Technology development, Complexity of neuronal circuits, Gut-brain axis.
Shihong Max Gao
B.S. Peking University
Research Interest: Aging, Lysokine signaling, Lipid catabolism, Metabolic sensors.
Yi-Tang Lee
B.S. National Taiwan University
M.S. National Taiwan University
Research Interest: Reproductive aging, Gene environment interaction, Mitochondrial dynamics regulation of reproduction.
Youchen Guan
B.S. Zhejiang University
Research Interest: Lysosomal protein in regulating longevity.
Guo Hu
B.S. China Pharmaceutical University
M.S. University of North Carolina
Research Interest: Lysosome function and signaling, Mitochondria dynamics and function in aging, Microbiome and host interaction, Nutritional genetics